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What is your stance on the claim that anti-feminism protects men's rights from being overshadowed by feminism?


I do not think this is right at all. All people are created equal, therefore should be treated equal.

 @9HBNFPR from Georgia answered…6mos6MO

All people were born equally, there are only two genders. Men were born as men, and women were born as women.

 @9H7S692Peace and Freedom from Texas answered…6mos6MO

all people are created equally. men are born as men and women are born as women .you cannot change your gender.

 @9H7SY6VRepublican from Arizona commented…6mos6MO

also most jobs are avaliable to men and women also some jobs like a plumber get payed more than certain jobs that women would prefer also i think you should get payed on how well you get the job done.

 @9HBJXVL from Texas answered…6mos6MO

The purpose of the Feminist movement was to secure equal rights for everyone, not specifically downgrading the male gender. The anti-feminism does not protect men's rights from being overshadowed since their rights were not sacrificed to begin with.


Do you believe that feminism has succeeded in its goals, or has it overreached to the detriment of social harmony?

 @9H8SFMV from South Carolina answered…6mos6MO

I think feminism reached it original goals, but the "new wave" of feminism has destroyed the meaning of feminism. Feminism was the fight for equality, but now it has gone too far to the point of eventually ruining society

 @9H8PWJG from Texas answered…6mos6MO

Yes if you're a woman you should be able to have your own goals your own beliefs your own facts even your own political theories

 @9H7KV4T from Texas answered…6mos6MO

I think feminism is correct, maybe yes there is times where some feminist do take it far but in my opinion the right feminist women they are like this due to how in the past women were treated unfairly.

 @9H8DTXS from Ohio answered…6mos6MO

I believe feminism has reached some goal, but gender discrimination and inequality is still rampant, and feminism is still needed because if it.


How do you feel the ideal balance between career and family should be managed, irrespective of gender?

 @9KHPTLP from New York answered…3mos3MO

It is dependant on the person what they prioritize. No one should stop them on the basis of gender.

 @9KJ3WN4 from California agreed…3mos3MO

I believe whether you are a man or a woman, you should prioritizing your family over your career. You need to prioritize your family because that is your foundation. Your career should always be after family.

 @9KHQ6K6Progressive from New York answered…3mos3MO

It should be 50-50 between the partners since they are a team and both have their own careers to pursue unless one specifically wants to be a stay at home parent

 @9KHPJ4L from Mississippi answered…3mos3MO

 @9KHPN83 from Minnesota answered…3mos3MO


Do you believe there are inherent qualities in men or women that justify traditional roles, and why?

 @9JGW574Independent from Iowa answered…4mos4MO

No, we are all people with different bodies and different minds that can do many different things.

 @9JNMVNP from New York agreed…4mos4MO

Men and women are biologically and socially different and the traditional roles in place serve to acquiesce to the strengths of men and women. However, there are infinite types of people in the world and not everyone is fit to perform a traditional role. So men and women should perform whatever roles that fit best for them and should not have to play roles that don’t suit them.

 @9JH4D9V  from Ohio agreed…4mos4MO

Not every person follows or would like to abide by the traditional roles or jobs. There are homosexual couples where both or neither would work or stay at home to care for the household, according to the traditional rules. No one can live this way if both stayed home, so if there are inherent qualities then the economy would spiral out of proportion.

 @9JGV7R3Democrat  from Missouri answered…4mos4MO

We are made the way we are with the body parts we have to play a role of recreation and a man changing to a woman cannot do that physically because of how they are made.

 @9JGVZHG from Pennsylvania answered…4mos4MO

i think men are usually more masculent and women are usually more femmenin but if a woman wants to be massculent and a man wants to be femenim why stop them from being happy

 @9JGW646 from Minnesota answered…4mos4MO

It truly depends on what certain others may think to do with what is going on


What impact do you think historical gender roles have on current debates about workplace equality?

 @9HY4LBN from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO

I think people have taken past roles too far. I feel like everyone should be treated equally and respectfully unless they treat you wrong first, no matter what the history of your sex, age, race, or preferences are. Forget about the past and focus on the future, people should stop victimizing themselves.

 @9HZBX5D  from California agreed…5mos5MO

If we are stuck in the past we will never move forward, people need to put down the past and focus on right now and how you can fix a situation that day live every day like it's your last and treat everyone with kindness because that's the best we can do for each other.

 @9HY526G from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

The impact I think historical gender roles have on current debates about workplace equality is something has decreased overtime, but is still present today. This can affect wage, treatment, scheduling, and insurance.

 @9HY4PTP from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

I think that Women and Men should be judged according to their skills in the workplace, not their gender.

 @9HY4NQS from Michigan answered…5mos5MO


In what ways do you think gender role expectations limit career opportunities for both men and women?

 @9HXCZ8P from Florida answered…5mos5MO

men are expected to do the dirty work while woman are underestimated and expected to stay home.

 @9HXKH6C from Texas disagreed…5mos5MO

Men and women are able to have education and pursue their career and work. If both genders work, they both are paying taxes. There should not be gender rules based on working society.

 @9HXJFLT from Georgia agreed…5mos5MO

Biologically, men are made to protect their family, go hunt and do all the work dirty work, exactly like animals. Women are much smaller, softer,. That makes them work better with kids or the house.

 @9HXDF45 from Indiana answered…5mos5MO

I feel as if experience should pay more instead of gender, but based on gender people will only have so many career paths. Like women usually aren't able to have the highly-intensive labor jobs while men can, if women want harder jobs they should be able to.

 @9HXD5CZ from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO

I don't think that gender roles play too much of a difference. Of course there some better suited than others but there's nuance as well. Some women are better than men and men better than women in certain regards.

 @9HXCZBM from Georgia answered…5mos5MO

Alot of people apart of LGBTQ may have harder times finding jobs

 @9HXH2D4 from North Carolina agreed…5mos5MO

I agree with this because some people apart of the LGBTQ are discriminated against when it comes to work


Are there areas in life where you think gender-specific roles are irreversible, and if so, where?

 @9JJ67CH from Alaska answered…4mos4MO

I think that there are no gender roles in the U.S, mostly because there isn't a job besides giving birth to children, that the other sex couldn't do.

 @9JJPHPX from Illinois agreed…4mos4MO

For the majority of jobs, gender doesn't matter, but I will say in some jobs other genders may be more likely to get the job.

 @9JJ6JF6Democrat answered…4mos4MO

Sure, I'm sure there are some gender-specific roles that are irreversible that might just be from stereo types and even perhaps biology, but I think there are definitely areas in life where gender-specific roles are reversible and might vary on how much it is, especially in a family situation when more and more women are able to help provide for the family. Also, like anti-feminism and all parties and groups, there will always be people that have varying degrees of beliefs, meaning all groups have extremists and people that are on the fence. So it's not really feminism if they are attacking other categories of people.

 @9JJ5YZNSocialist from Wisconsin answered…4mos4MO

Yes, husband and wife can switch roles. However, I do believe that one has to be feminine and one has to be masculine in order for the relationship to stay alive and healthy.


How has the rise of social media and online communities affected your views on gender roles and equality?

 @9HY5KPGWomen’s Equality from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

I always see a lot of mixed opinions, I mainly see support from younger women and men, but older men and women, are against most of it because it's different to them since anyone from that time was either too scared to come out or was trying to ignore their feelings because that's what they were taught to do. I really feel like people can have their own opinions and I have my beliefs, and I try to ignore all of the negative comments as much as possible.

 @9HY4XFB from Indiana answered…5mos5MO

Social media has made everything acceptable in today´s society, when in reality some things are unacceptable and people need to be held accountable for their actions.

 @9HY53J5 from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO

I think there has been too much focus on trying to make both genders independent when in reality both genders need each other.

 @9HY549N from Texas answered…5mos5MO


Do you think that the drive towards gender equality could harm the overall societal balance?


Have you ever felt that gender roles restricted your personal choices or freedoms, and can you share an example?


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