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 @9L4Z23B  from Pennsylvania answered…2wks2W

 @9MKWNW4 from Illinois answered…2wks2W

There needs to be a fair balance between rent prices and the local cost of living. Rent control may not be the best option.

 @9N2YM7X from Maryland answered…5 days5D

Yes, but there should be minimal condition requirements maintained by landlords as well as limits to the amount of property that they can hold.

 @9N2WC4X from Texas answered…5 days5D

The government already has their hands in too much of our personal affairs. This should be a county situation since each county is presented with its own unique challenges and capabilities. Large corporations is who needs to be regulated in this and out of country owners should not be allowed.

 @9N2NDHJ from California answered…5 days5D

Again complicated question. There are many economic factors that impacts rent costs. People need to be encouraged to invest, yet also need to have reasonably priced housing. We live in a capitalistic society. People also need to be educated on the costs of home ownership and make choices based on what they can reasonably do.

 @9N2FJTH from Texas answered…5 days5D

Policies should be implemented to prevent corporations purchasing residential retaliate in a way that drives up prices and limits the ability of private citizens to own property.

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